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Speakers Series

Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education

Explore artificial Intelligence's impact on education. Learn about frameworks, ethics, and responsible with Rohan Jowallah.

Get Started: Teaching Online #4 - Evaluating Learners and Your Online Course

How can online courses and the students that take them be effectively evaluated? This video discusses the methodologies that can be used in figuring out what worked and what did not when conducting online courses. The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in schools around the world making transitions from in-person to online learning. Get Started: Teaching […]

Get Started: Teaching Online #3 - Supporting Learners in an Online Environment

What services, structure, and expectations are needed for successful online learning? How can learning experience be more enjoyable while still attaining positive learning outcomes? The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in schools around the world making transitions from in-person to online learning. Get Started: Teaching Online is four-part series of videos designed to highlight new learning […]

Get Started: Teaching Online #2 - Delivering Online Learning

How can online education be effectively delivered? How can you choose the best delivery method based on the needs of your students? This video outlines some of the differences between synchronous and asynchronous learning methods in online education. The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in schools around the world making transitions from in-person to online learning. […]

Get Started: Teaching Online #1 - Planning Your Online Course

How do you identify the learning outcomes of your online course? What are the best methods for identifying, sourcing, and organizing content for online instruction? How is this important to ensuring your course is engaging and effective? The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in schools around the world making transitions from in-person to online learning. Get […]

Challenges for the International Quality Assurance Community

Nadia Badrawi, President of the Arab network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ANQAHE), and Judith Eaton, President of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) discuss ongoing and upcoming challenges for QA professionals internationally.

Cross-border Quality Assurance in the Philippines and ASEAN

Concepcion V. Pijano, Executive Director of the Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU) and of the Federation of Accrediting Agencies of the Philippines (FAAP), and Richard Ekman, President of the Council of Independent Colleges, discuss cross-border higher education assurance programs in the Philippines and ASEAN states.

Cooperation Among Quality Assurance Experts Across Borders

Stamenka Uvalić-Trumbić, senior advisor with Academic Partnerships, and MaryAnn Baenninger, President of Drew University, discuss cooperation among quality assurance experts in higher education. The discussion focuses on better cross-border collaboration.

Internationalization of U.S. Private Higher Education

Judith Eaton, President of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation and Richard Ekman, President of the Council of Independent Colleges discuss the primary needs of independent colleges in facilitating greater internationalization of curricula and programs. They further discuss the opportunities and roadblocks to current trends.

Dr. Nader Habibi on Overeducation in Iran

Dr. Nader Habibi, Professor of Economics of the Middle East at Brandeis University, highlights his research on overeducation, particularly in Iran.  

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